Break by JoLyn Brown

Back Cover Blurb:

Preston Bensen struggles with the same social anxiety that led his father to walk away years ago. With a younger brother who has Down syndrome, Preston has made it his job to hold together what remains of their family.

A few weeks after he loses a friend in an accident, Preston’s mother announces her decision to remarry. Now Preston must deal with a prying stepdad and three emotional stepsisters. After growing up with six neighbor boys, Preston doesn’t know what to do with glitter, pet mice, drama, and nonstop chatter.

The only thing untouched by change seems to be Preston’s relationship with Morgan, a girl he met during the summer. But he fears that sharing more of his past will scare her away. Juggling everything at once, he reaches his breaking point. Is Preston going to end up like his father after all?

Content Rating: 

Religious Content: 

  • Characters are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Where to Find it: 

My Take:

This is the second companion novel to my first book, Run. The main character is seventeen years old. He is dealing with social anxiety and grief. A main theme of the book is a search for the answer to the question "Am I good enough the way I am?" Preston also is trying to understand forgiveness and a person's ability to change. As he explores these ideas, he also explores his relationship with God and his religion. The books is good for teens 12 and up, though it's a little more mature than Run, in part because the character is a senior in high school and is thinking a lot about his future. 

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